
One of the most enjoyable aspects of club membership is attending the many different outings and trips that are organised every few weeks.

We try to visit places which will give our members the opportunity to shoot subjects appropriate for our upcoming club competitions. These outings are a great way to get to know other members and learn from some of our more experienced photographers. 

After a busy morning of shooting, we typically head to a local coffee shop for refreshments before heading back to Blanchardstown to collect our cars. From time to time we arrange bigger trips away in Ireland or further afield. Over the last few years we’ve been everywhere from Achill Island to Bologna! 

Recent Trips and Events.

Tuesday 26th March – POTY Judging

Our judge for the March POTY competition was Pauric McGroder. The Theme for the competition was “a different viewpoint”. Pauric was particular about highlighting the subject in each photograph, avoiding horizons and verticals that were not straight, and checking for highlights that were too bright. He was a great advocate of dodging and burning to highlight the subject matter and tone down any competing elements in the photograph.

Tuesday 19th March – POTY hand-up and Guest Speakers

Last Tuesday’s presentation was arranged by Mark Maher of Image Supply Systems and delivered by Marek Biegalski from Canon Ireland. Stunning, incredible, amazing and “the best ever” were used to describe Marek’s presentation and his remarkable set of photographs. 

Club trip to Iceland  – 7th to 12th March 2024.

By all accounts this was one of the best trips abroad for many years, if not ever. In addition, the Gods smiled on the club and provided some great weather and spectacular aurora activity. This is not a full report on the trip – just a short note to show what a great adventure it was. I’ll shut up now and let the pictures do the talking – we hope to have a presentation in the hall, by members who were on the trip, in the near future.